Breathe and Imagine: Spark Mindfulness with Playful “Would You Rather” Questions
Cultivating mindfulness in children can be challenging, but it’s crucial for emotional well-being, focus, and self-awareness. This playful activity uses engaging “would you rather” questions to subtly introduce kids to breath awareness, a foundation for mindfulness.

- Gather your crew: This activity works well with small groups of children aged 6–8 years.
- Set the stage: Create a comfortable and safe space, free from distractions.
- Plant the seed: Briefly explain that we’re going to play a game that helps us learn about something special called “breath.” Introduce it as a superpower in our body that connects our mind and body.
- Let the fun begin: Ask engaging “would you rather” questions that connect breath to various scenarios, allowing children to imagine and explore the power of their breath.
- Encourage discussion and playful debate about their choices.
- Reflect and connect: After exploring several questions, take a moment to quietly notice your own breath. Ask: “Can you feel your breath in your belly? How does it change when you laugh or run?”
- Mindful awareness: Children begin to playfully connect with their breath, laying the foundation for future mindfulness practices.
- Creative exploration: Imaginative scenarios spark creative thinking and help children see the many ways breath interacts with the world around them.
- Calming and focusing: The activity can gently shift the children’s focus inwards, promoting calmness and a sense of self-awareness.
- Fun and laughter: The playful format keeps children engaged and enjoying the learning process.
“Would You Rather” Questions for Breatheful Adventures:
Would you rather blow bubbles that reach the clouds or create a giant balloon animal with just one deep breath?
Laugh like a hyena with the longest breath or sing a soaring note with a bird, using your breath?
Whistle with the wind on a breezy day or make leaves dance with a single, strong breath?
Dive underwater with dolphins, exploring with calm, deep breaths, or balance on a circus tightrope, steadied by your breath?
Twirl snowflakes in the air with your breath or help a kite reach the sun with a powerful puff?
Calm a stormy sea with a long, soothing breath or awaken spring flowers with a gentle, warm one?
Remember, the key is to make it fun and engaging! This activity is just a starting point for your mindful journey with children. With each playful breath and imaginative adventure, you’ll be guiding them towards a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.
So, breathe deep, explore, and enjoy!