The Dance of Vibrations: A Journey Through Change

In a world where chaos and emotional pain seem to reign,
Family ties and connections are strained and left to wane.
The divide between love and fear grows ever wide,
As some embrace the light, while others choose to hide.
Our wavelengths shift, the karmic bonds no longer bind,
Leaving old relationships and connections far behind.
This natural unalignment of energy, we come to see,
Is the quantum process of realignment, setting us free.
Like energy attracts, unalike energy repels,
A cosmic dance of vibrations, as the story tells.
As higher frequencies reach our Earth, we absorb the light,
No longer in alignment with those lost to fear’s might.
The shift takes place on a physical plane,
Aligning with dimensions where new connections gain.
Aware of their presence, yet our paths no longer cross,
This is the split between 3D and 5D, life’s great toss.
The rainbow analogy shines a light on this truth,
Each color holds its frequency, as we do in our youth.
Purple and red, they never touch, their paths never meet,
A reminder of the spectrum of life, a journey bittersweet.
So as we journey through this ever-changing world of light,
Embrace the dance of vibrations, and let love be your sight.
For though the spectrum may bend, and colors may not blend,
In the end, we’ll find our tribe, our truest, dearest friend